Our need and God's plan
In the first post I uploaded I focused on two points: God has to exist because creation can’t exist without him, and we are accountable to God because he created us. But why did God create us? And why is the world we live in now so full of evil and suffering? First off, God didn’t create us because he needed us. Simply put, he created us for his pleasure (Gotquestions.org). God created us in His own image to expand his glory through us, not because he was lacking in anything. God is a personal God and he created beings which he could have a personal relationship with, however, he recognized that any relationship would be meaningless unless humans chose to have a relationship with Him, so he gave us free will, the ability to choose whether to live in relationship with Him and follow him or to not follow him and go our own way. God created us to love him and rule with him, but he doesn’t force us to; we have a choice. You’ve most likely heard the sto...