The reality of God
Hello! Welcome to my first post! My purpose for this blog is to talk about truth and what our response should be to important truths. The biggest truth that has had a tremendous impact on my life is the truth of Christianity. I’ve centered my whole life around it, and this blog will be based around it as well. So then, I’m going to start by first explaining what Christianity is, for anyone who hasn't heard it before. This post will talk about the evidence for God, and a following post will talk about Our need and God's plan.
Do you ever wonder why are we here? How are we here? It’s commonly taught today that the universe is the result of a big explosion, and that life just made itself, eventually evolving into all the species we have today; but what our culture doesn’t want you to know is that there is no proof for any of that. I believe there’s only one thing that explains reality: God.
Many people say the idea of God is crazy; he's just made up; he’s not actually real. Maybe that’s how you feel. It can be hard to believe in someone you can’t see, but God has given us all we need to know he is real.
Romans 1:20 says “For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”
A famous Christian evangelist, Ray Comfort, commonly asks, in paraphrase, “When you look at a building, how do you know it was built by someone? You know it was built by someone because the building exists and is incapable of existing without a builder.” In the same way a building is proof of a builder, creation if proof of a creator.
How do you know a building couldn’t exist without a builder? You can clearly see it was designed. Following that logic, our universe appears to be designed just right for us to live in it. For example:
The force of gravity is determined by the gravitational constant. If this constant varied by just one in 10 to the sixtieth power (that’s 1 followed by 60 zeros), our universe and all of us would not exist (, the fine tuning of the universe).
So if this constant were just the slightest bit off, you and I would not be here. It’s perfectly calibrated for us to be able to live in. I wonder how that happened…
This clearly indicates that someone has designed our universe to support life. That someone is God.
However many say that this doesn’t prove God. Just because we don’t have an explanation for something in our universe, such as the fine-tuning of the gravitational constant, doesn’t prove God is real. Many call this belief in a “god of the gaps.”
Let’s say you're walking on a beach and you come across a sand castle. Not just a little pile of sand with some holes poked in it, no I’m talking about a full blown mansion of a sand castle.
You look at this sand creation, which has clearly been created by an intelligent being, and conclude that the tide must have come in, swept up some sand and, by a stroke of insane luck, piled all that sand into a perfect four story sand castle. This accurately represents how absurd it is to look at the design of the universe and conclude there was no God behind it. As Paul put it, we are “without excuse” because of what has been made.
I don’t believe in God because I lack a better explanation for what I see in the universe, I believe in God because things I see in the universe and in people directly indicate that everything is designed.
Why would someone look at a sandcastle (our universe) and conclude there is no God if it’s so obvious it’s created? Believing in God means certain things for us as humans. If God created us, then we are accountable to him. In other words, if we are God’s creation, God has the right to tell us what to do. People don’t like being told what to do, so instead they conclude that God doesn’t exist so only they can tell themselves what to do.
However, the evidence shows God does exist which means we are accountable to Him because we are his creation. Ephesians 2:10a: “For we are God’s handiwork.”
The first step in becoming a Christian is realizing the reality of God, but that's not the end of the story. The implications the reality of God has for us continue in "Our need and God’s plan.” Make sure to check that out.
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